How Does Technology Affect Students' Studies?

Technology Uses

Over the years technology has advanced past the barriers of orgin; allowing us to know the unknown. Today technology is used to supply people with research, study, informing ourselfs and others about everything that is happening, but people have been obtaining a misconception on how to use these type of electronic devices. Many people have used them for personal entertainment such as creating youtube videos, connecting with others through social media, gaming, and much more. All these types of electronic devices have made a drastic impact on an average person both a positive and negative way. Positively in the sense that one can learn anything through a touch of a button and watch anything they desire, but negatively because people abuse the power of which it obtains. Students nowadays are greatly involved and sufficated by technology causing them to neglect on their studies because they would rather be 'online' in a virtual world then to be in a real world. studies have been conducted to see how technology have been influencing the student's studying habits.

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The data will show that the more technololgy a person uses it will negatively affect their grades and or studies.

Data Tables

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For this project our group was trying to collectively gather information on how technology uses influences or impacts students’ studies and based on the results we concluded that there is certainly a statistical change in the graphs when we compare the amount of hours students spent playing video games or on social media. In our pivot table the numbers show that more students who spend 1-2 hours on social media have higher grades and gpa then those who are more than 3 hours on social media. Throughtout our research we were surprised to have seen that less students who spend no time on social media had good grades than those spend at most 30 minutes to 2 hours suffering the media.